Russell Rhodes Blog

White Noise

white noise news

I watch a lot of news. I read a lot of news. Hell, it’s how I make my living…reading the news on TV. Lately though, I’ve noticed something. Much of the news these days has become white noise. You know, that meaningless, constant background noise. At least, that’s how I’m hearing it. It’s like one of those machines you use to help you sleep. Static.

Here’s why. Donald Trump. FOX, CNN, MSNBC and others just talk about the latest Trump scandal. He did this in Helsinki. He did that to pay off a former Playboy model. I’m just not listening anymore. It goes in my head and comes straight out the other side. I’m sure some of this is important. A lot of it just doesn’t matter. It is what it is. Enough people voted for him to get him elected. So be it.

Does it help to beat it in the ground day in, day out? Look, I know they gotta fill time. We fill six hours every morning. It’s hard. The News Beast just wants more. That said, it’s starting to feel like the boy that cried wolf. You just stop listening or caring. Someday, something will happen that needs our attention. Where will we be? I fear we will have stopped listening.