Russell Rhodes Blog

Texting During a Pandemic

texting pandemic staying home phone

I’m working and then going home. I’m lucky. At least I’m still working and can get out of the house. I miss my friends though. That’s where texting is helping.

We have spent a lot of time talking about the dangers of texting too much. How it affects “real” social interaction. Well, in these days of social distancing, texting has been a lifesaver for me. Yesterday morning, I started a text chain with Enrique, Nikki, Lisa, Frankie and Joey.

It went on all day and into the night. Continued after I went to sleep. It started with reaction to Tom Brady coming to the Buccaneers. In our case, is he cute or not? Only the straight guy in the text chain did not weigh in. From there, it went to having a socially distanced birthday. It was my 61st. Postponing the celebration until August. Iceland, maybe? Then, Lisa sent a video of her quarantine food stash. Lots of Oreos. I mean, lots.

Another topic… why is Clearwater Beach still open? Why is the casino still open. I showed the beautiful piece of crystal that Enrique gave me for my birthday. Frankie asked me to name it “Gayle.” It took me a second. Oh, Crystal Gayle.” I said to Frankie that he must be “talking in his sleep.” Crickets. Nothing. Only Lisa, who is a bit older… but not as old as me… got the reference. There were other things. Some far too inappropriate to write about here.

What I’m saying here is I’m thankful for my friends. Thankful for texting. I feel close to them… while social distancing.