Russell Rhodes Blog

Dressing for work with Coronavirus

Dressing for work with Coronavirus

I’m working at home now. Yes, reading the news on TV from my family room.

Dressing the part has been a challenge. What do you wear when you work from home?

Now, I realize my situation is different. People will actually see me, but what’s appropriate?

Very quickly, I concluded that I would not be wearing a suit. Just too much. I’m going with a shirt and tie. But… keeping the tie loose around the neck. (This is more for my “quarantine fifteen” weight gain than any kind of fashion statement.)

Now, what about pants? All my friends are asking about that. I am wearing them. Not shorts, not pajama bottoms, not workout gear. Real pants. Okay, those new Lululemon type pants that feel like yoga pants. So comfortable.

I’m wearing shoes too. Dress sneakers.

As this progresses, it’s going to be interesting. My inbox is filled with ads of fashions for working from home. I feel terrible for these retailers.

Who is buying suits now?

Will the pandemic of 2020 change how we work and dress? Quite honestly, I could get used to this.

Now, about my wallet and keys.

So far, I’m still putting them in my pocket as I go downstairs to the family room. Not necessary, it appears. Where am I going?

I even put my entry card to the TV station around my neck one day last week!

Not sure when I’ll need that. Life has changed for everybody. My work continues, but in a strange new way. Dressing for success has now become dressing for home. I kinda like it.