Russell Rhodes Blog

The bald guy in the mask tested negative for Covi-19

Masks Covid 19

I decided it was a good idea to get tested for the Covid-19 antibodies.

Like many people I know, I was convinced I previously had Coronavirus. Back in early December, I was strangely sick. I had a weird cold/allergy/ respiratory thing. I knew that Coronavirus was not here yet in Tampa, and I was just buying into the conspiracy theory that it was in the country far sooner to convince myself.

Recently, I received an email that my nearby walk-in clinic was performing the Covid-19 antibody tests. So I wanted to know, What if I had it back in December? If so, I was lucky—then I wasn’t actually that sick. Then, I could relax a bit.

I made the appointment, and went to the clinic.

I will say that I was extremely careful at the clinic—I wore a mask and brought antibacterial wipes. I was ready for battle.

On a side note, I was under the impression that while wearing a mask, no one would recognize me. I thought that if anyone messed with me, I could finally say something without fear of it getting back to the TV station. Wrong. The second I walked in a guy said, “Russell!” I said, “How can you recognize me?” He said, “Your bald head.” Haha! I guess I need to add a hat to my new “going out” wardrobe.

After a quick wait, a nurse brought me back for the test. The antibody test is a blood test. It’s quick and easy.

A couple of days later, I got the call. I was negative. I never had it.

I was actually disappointed by the news. I really wished I had gotten it and beat it. That I could move on with my life. Then, I thought, what if the test was wrong?

Well, it turns out it might be. The CDC is calling the accuracy of these antibody tests into question. CNN reports antibody tests for Covid-19 could be wrong half the time. This means we can’t rely on these tests to determine who has had Covid-19 and who hasn’t.

It also means they’re not accurate enough to make these important policy decisions.

So, a false positive antibody test could make a person believe they have had Coronavirus. They could then make the decision to let down their guard and ask, “Why social distance? Why wear a mask? I’ve had it. I’m healthy.”

I guess that’s what I was hoping for. Pass go and collect $200. Not yet, it seems.

So, if you see me, I will still be wearing my mask. I’m the bald guy in the mask. Yep, that’s me. Apparently, I’m recognizable.