Russell Rhodes Blog

I Really Hope I’m Wrong About This, But…

College Football Coronavirus

When the Coronavirus pandemic started in this country in March, I think I thought it would only last a few months. April, May… Surely, we will be done with this by then.

Remember when we thought the Florida sun and heat would kill it?

Cut to August. We’re still here. The heat didn’t kill it. This ain’t over. I’m not sure when it will be over.

Life still isn’t back to the way it was.

And there is one thing, above all others, that has made me realize just how long it’s taking to get back to normal… college football.

I don’t know why it’s college football that has brought me to this conclusion, but it has. Maybe it’s my Texas upbringing. The whole “Friday Night Lights” mentality. Maybe it’s my college years at the University of Oklahoma. “Boomer Sooner!” Football is a way of life there, too.

Nothing stops football.

But now, the college conferences are trying to figure out what to do. Cancel games? Postpone them? Scale back?

So… I guess something can stop football. Coronavirus. Life is on hold in so many ways.

While I thought we would be back to normal by Summer, I think I thought we would be okay by the time school started. Now, we don’t know even know how schools will start.

When will this be over? I think I thought that it would be done when we had a vaccine. Maybe not.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is optimistic of a vaccine late this year or early next. But… less optimistic of its effectiveness.

He talked about during a live stream at Brown University.

“The chances of it being 98% [effective] are not great, which means you must never abandon the public-health approach.”

“You’ve got to think of a vaccine as a tool to be able to get a pandemic to no longer be a pandemic, but to be something that’s well-controlled,” he said.

You can read more of Dr. Fauci’s interview at

The “good doctor,” as he has become known, says realistically a Coronavirus vaccine will be 70-75% effective. So, how do we make up the difference? He says face masks, social distancing and avoiding bars and indoor spaces with crowds.

“If we do those things — and I’m going to repeat it until I’m exhausted — those things work,” Fauci said.

“When you have something that needs everybody pulling at the same time, if you have one weak link in there that doesn’t do it, it doesn’t allow you to get to the end game.”

Ah… so that’s the game now. It’s not gonna be beating the other teams in college football this year. It’s gonna be beating the virus.

Now, I’ve been wrong about this all along, but I think we all know now this is what it’s gonna take. We have to work together and take Coach Fauci’s advice.

Who’s ready to play ball?