Russell Rhodes Blog

Wow! That’s a lot of voting. Part 2

Voter turnout

As stunning as the number of total people voting early is right now, the number of young people voting early is even more so.

Politico is reporting that while turn out is up among all age groups, young voters make up the largest share of the early electorate.

The piece also suggests that the assumption that young people don’t vote is being “turned on its head.”

CNN is saying much the same thing. “Why 2020 could be the year of the young voter” is the name of the story. Early voting among 18-29 year olds is up in 14 critical states.

In Florida, CNN says the youth vote is almost double what it was this time four years ago. Enthusiasm is up, as well.

How does this translate? Who does it help? I think the assumption is that it helps Joe Biden.

But not necessarily. The CNN piece talks about how the University of Virginia College Republicans are knocking on doors to get out the GOP vote. The college Democrats are doing their part by helping people get to the early voting sites.

However this ends up, there is something very encouraging here. Young people care about what’s happening in America. They are taking a real interest in politics. Not just talking either. They’re voting.

A week now until this is done. It’s going to be a long week. With any luck, we will have answers next Wednesday.

I’m still optimistic about that.