Russell Rhodes Blog

Not a Paid Endorsement

Double Masking

We are about a year into the pandemic. A year into wearing masks.

I’m about to give you my review of my favorite.

First though, where we are with face masks… we are still wearing them. Well, most of us.

Fox News reports that Kentucky Senator Rand Paul got a scolding from Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown.

During a Senate budget debate, Senator Paul was not wearing a mask, and Senator Brown said, “I would like to ask Senator Paul, in front of everybody, to start wearing a mask on the Senate floor like the entire staff does all the time.”

Senator Paul is a physician and has been critical of many coronavirus response efforts.

Some people wear them. Some do not. Now, we are being told to double mask, something Dr. Fauci says he often does. The CDC is looking into if two masks are better than one.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a news conference, that the agency is “actively looking at this question” and that “more data will be forthcoming.”

U.S. News & World Report says that Dr. Fauci believes that double masking could be the “common sense approach” and that he gets asked about it all the time.

While new Coronavirus cases are dropping, there is concern that new mutations could cause an increase in cases.

So, just what is double masking? Well, it’s just that. A disposable medical mask next to your face and a cloth one on top of it.

The Washington Post reports that N95 or KN95 are still in short supply, and they should still be reserved for health care and front line workers.

The paper did put together a video on the next best thing—double masking. Okay, it’s pretty simple, but worth your time if you are thinking about it.

I’ve started doing it. It’s fine. Doing it over the summer in Florida might be problematic with the heat. As much as I hope we will be done with this by then, I’m not so sure.

I’ve bought a lot of face masks over the last year. Some, I like. Some, I hate.

I love the Under Armour Sports Mask. It’s thick, but it breathes. Glasses don’t fog as badly as with some others. I feel like an athlete in it, too. Hahaha!

However, I think I found my favorite: Honeywell’s Dual Layer Face Cover. I mean, if Honeywell makes it, it’s gotta be good. Right?

This one comes with a few disposable filter inserts, too. They slip into the main face covering easily. I like it because I can breathe easily wearing it and my glasses don’t fog up thanks to the adjustable nose clip.

It’s not the cheapest mask out there. I found it for $22 at Amazon. $30 at Honeywell’s site. How does Amazon do it? Sell it cheaper?!

Anyway, it’s the mask I’m digging right now. I feel safe in it. Since we are going to be doing this for what appears to be a lot longer, I need to feel good about this.

Nom I’m not getting any endorsement fees from Honeywell. I doubt they do that. But… I’ll take a few extra masks if they have any extra!

Noticed anything about this post? Not a word about the Super Bowl. I’m kinda ready to get it over with. It’s been a long week here in Tampa. But… Go Bucs!