Russell Rhodes Blog

Up Next… Me.

Covid Vaccine

I must admit to having a bit of vaccine envy. I’ve been pretty jealous of my friends and family who have received the Coronavirus vaccine. Now, it looks like I’m in line.

Last week, Governor DeSantis said the next group to get the vaccine will be those 55 and older. Well, I’m “of age” and then some. The day they tell me to be there, I’ll be there. Early. I’m just that ready.

If they tell me it’s the one shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, I’ll roll up my sleeve and take it.

I know. There are questions of whether it’s as good as the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines? Is it as effective?

When the scientists say the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is good enough to keep me from getting a bad case of Covid or dying from it, that’s plenty good enough for me.

In the New York Times, Dr. Fauci says not to worry that Johnson & Johnson’s clinical trial numbers are not as high as those of Pfizer or Moderna. “Don’t get caught up, necessarily, on the number game, because it’s a really good vaccine, and what we need is as many good vaccines as possible. Rather than parsing the difference between 94 and 72, accept the fact that now you have three highly effective vaccines. Period.”

Look, I’ve got the antibodies. Tested negative for Covid several times. Somehow though, I tested positive for antibodies. Had them in August. I still have them.

When I told a doctor that story, he said, “We don’t know enough about this virus.”

What I do know? I’m up next. Ready for it.

There does seem to be a hopefulness in the air. This thing is far from over, but I think we are starting to see some light.

What we can’t do right now is let up. It’s been a year. We are tired. We want our lives back.

It’s coming. And so are the vaccines. Almost four million of the J&J vaccines are on the way into arms right now. With the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in place, the arsenal is looking pretty impressive.

I’m ready for mine. Being 62 never felt so good!