Russell Rhodes Blog

It’s not Covid. It’s my allergies. Really.

Dolly Parton Vaccine. Image courtesy of @dollyparton on Twitter

It’s that time of year. This year, it seems worse than usual. (For the record, I say that every year.)

It’s allergy season.

This year, I’m having to explain my wheezing and sneezing more than ever. In the past, I would say, “No, it’s not a cold. It’s just my allergies. This year it’s, “No, I don’t have Covid. It’s just my allergies.”

First of all, I’m going to stop saying, “It’s just my allergies.” There’s no JUST to it. It’s my allergies. They are bad. They make me feel like crap. I lose my voice. I have to miss work.

Now, let’s talk about allergies and Covid. Google it. A lot of sites tell you how to tell the difference between the two. However, there aren’t many details for explaining the difference to those staring at you and backing away.

When you Google this question, here’s what you get. T-shirts. Yes, apparel. They say things like “It’s just allergies.” or… “Chill. It’s allergies. Not Coronavirus.” and… “It’s my allergies. Not the Rona.” Rona? I had no idea we had become so casual with the name.

Where was I going with this? Not sure. I will say this though. When I’m outside, it’s acceptable to wear a mask now. No questions asked. Word of advice: masks block pollen, too.

“Vaccine. Vaccine. Vaccine. Vaccine.” Only she could sing that as she got her shot. Our National Treasure, a.k.a. Dolly Parton, got her Covid vaccination. One of Dolly’s early hits was “Jolene.” She adapted the new lyrics quite nicely to the moment.

You might remember that Dolly Parton donated $1 million dollars to Vanderbilt University Medical Center for its Covid vaccine research. That research led to the Moderna vaccine.

Appropriate then, she got the Moderna shot at Vanderbilt Health in Tennessee. “Dolly gets a dose of her own medicine,” she tweeted.

She also said, “I’m old enough to get it, and I’m smart enough to get it.” Dolly is 75, after all. Doesn’t look it. She’s seen to that.

“Pop me in the arm,” she told her doctor. Then, Dolly got serious.

“I know I’m trying to be funny now, but I’m dead serious about the vaccine. I think we all want to get back to normal — whatever that is — and that would be a great shot in the arm, wouldn’t it?”

She continued: “I just want to say to all of you cowards out there: Don’t be such a chicken squat. Get out there and get your shot.”

Only Dolly could do that. They should give her a statue. Then again, they tried. She said thanks, but not yet.

“Several years from now, or perhaps after I’m gone, if you still think I deserve it, then I will certainly stand proud in our great State Capitol as a grateful Tennessean.”

Another reason to love Dolly Parton.