Russell Rhodes Blog

On My Radar… I Lost An Hour.

Sunrise in Florida

It’s the first Monday of Daylight Saving Time… but more about that in a bit.

Let’s talk about where we are in the fight against Covid. More and more of us are getting vaccinated. The CDC is reporting that 69 million Americans have received at least one shot. More than 37 million are fully vaccinated.

I will be added to the list Tuesday. I’ll get my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. I’m excited, nervous and relieved. I’ll let you know how it goes.

This is no time to let up. Things are getting better, but looks can be deceiving. From CNN, Dr. Fauci says he’s worried about the highly contagious Covid variants. He says the U.S. should not ease restrictions until case numbers fall below 10,000 a day.

Open for business. Florida. A front page story in the Sunday New York Times talks about how Florida has a boomtown feel despite the virus.

The piece focuses on Miami, but it could just as easily been about Tampa Bay. Spring breakers. Traffic at a standstill on the way to the beaches. Reservations required at restaurants again.

As many states like Texas started reopening last week, Florida reopened months ago.

Visitors are not just coming here for vacation either. Many are coming here to stay. The Times piece talks of realtors cold-knocking on doors looking to recruit sellers.

Now, to Daylight Saving Time. Twice a year, it seems, Florida Senator Marco Rubio calls for keeping things as they are. He reintroduced his Sunshine Protection Act. It would make Daylight Saving Time permanent.

Florida has already done this. For it to stick though, it has to be done federally. I think it’s probably time to do this.

Senator Rubio says, “The call to end the antiquated practice of clock changing is gaining momentum throughout the nation.”

It doesn’t get any easier does it? I’ll be off my game for a week. We will have this conversation again on Monday, November 8. Until then, enjoy that extra hour of sunshine!