My trip to Paris, Texas, is ending. I’m at DFW airport waiting for my flight home.
I approached this trip with excitement and dread. It had been over two years since I had been home.
Some that I needed to see were in failing health. Others I just wanted to see. I’m pleased to tell you that I did everything I needed to do.
Some were better than I expected. Others, worse. One, I don’t expect to see again. Just for that, I’m glad I came home.
I saw my best friend. Keep in mind, we text and talk all the time. Still, seeing her for the first time in a long time brought us both to tears.
Funny story. I have a small piece of property in Oklahoma. When my mom died, she asked me to never sell it. So, there I am with a piece of unusable land outside Hugo, Oklahoma. I pay taxes on it. That’s about it.
About a year ago, I got a phone call asking if I wanted to sell? I said I couldn’t. Then, they asked about leasing it? “Absolutely,” I said.
So, a year later, I met the young man that leased my family land in Oklahoma. I even remembered how to find it. It’s way out there.
Drake’s first words when I met him: “You need a dog?” “No. Why?” “I got too many.” Hahaha! I knew I was gonna like him.
We got in his ATV and toured the land. It’s rough. Woods. Rocks. Hills.
“What are you doing with the land?” “Hunting.”
He stopped. We got out. He brought his gun. “Why do you need that?” “Pigs and snakes.” Yikes! I said, “You know, I’ve seen all I need to see here.”
He took me back to my car. “You sure you don’t want a dog?” About that tine, a beautiful Airedale terrier came running up. “I’ll take her.” “No, she’s my baby.”
“What’s her name?” He didn’t skip a beat. I kid you not. He said, “Airedale.” Hahaha!
I’m glad I went home. It was nice to turn off the news for a minute. Think about other stuff.
I really want the Airedale named “Airedale.”