Russell Rhodes Blog

Uncle Sam Wants You. Badly.

Remember the commercial for recruitment in the U.S. Army? That catchy jingle “Be all that you can be.” Well, it might be making a comeback.

We’re learning just how much the Army is needing recruits. Officials told Congress that the total size of the active-duty arm of the branch will be 10,000 fewer than anticipated.

What’s the problem? ABC News reports that Army officials blame a tight labor market where private companies are incentivizing pay and the decreasing number of young people who can meet their tough eligibility standards.

Will this have an impact on the Army’s readiness? That remains to be seen.

Other military branches are facing recruiting challenges too. The Senate Armed Services subcommittee was told that all branches are in “fierce competition for skilled, relevant and innovative talent.”

Maybe adapting to the times is part of the answer. My TV station reported how Tampa’s MacDill Air Force Base has just added a tattoo shop.

American Tattoo Society says MacDill is its second location on an Air Force base. A Senior Airman told us he believes 90% of the military has tattoos or is interested in getting them.

The owner of American Tattoo Society, Ryan Harrell says, “I think it shows it’s more accepted now and everyone is looking at tattoos now as something everyone gets in the military anyway, so why not give them the opportunity that the military and the public health can come in and inspect on a regular basis.”

Harrell also says the shop follows strict standards set in place by the military. They will not tattoo anything out of regulations.

All this has me thinking about that great Goldie Hawn movie, “Private Benjamin.” She joins the Army. Judy thinks it will be like a spa vacation. It is anything but.

The great Eileen Brennan plays her drill sergeant. Judy says to her: “Look at this place. The Army couldn’t afford drapes? I’ll be up at the crack of dawn here.” Hahaha!

All kidding aside here. It appears the Army has a real problem on its hands. Not enough recruits. Not enough soldiers.

What’s the answer? Tattoo shops might help, but it sounds like it’s going to take a lot more than that.