Russell Rhodes Blog

So, maybe it ain’t all that bad.

My first blog post of the new year. I’m basing it on an opinion piece in Sunday’s New York Times. Nicholas Kristof writes “The Optimist’s View of 2022.” He looks back on all the good of last year.

He starts with this: “Enough of the doom and gloom! Our planet may be in better shape than you think.”

Yes, Kristof acknowledges that bad news sells more papers and newscasts than good news. He also brings up some interesting points on all the good things that are happening.

Mostly science and medicine. Solar power. Nuclear fusion. (I still don’t completely understand this one, but I’m told what scientists have done will change the world.). Vaccines. Immunotherapy.

Also, Nicholas Kristof writes that despite what’s going on in the world, some things are not getting worse and maybe a bit better. Poverty. Child mortality.

It’s not all good. I’m reading today that the war in Ukraine is seeing some of its worst fighting since it began almost a year ago. CNN is reporting that a Ukrainian counter attack may have killed as many as 400 Russian soldiers. How and when will this end?

I’m headed back to work tomorrow after a long holiday vacation. Christmas in New York. It was so cold. It was great, though. On Christmas Eve, I led a sing along at a gay bar. (There’s video. I hope you never have to see it. Hahaha!)

I’m going to buy into Nicholas Kristof’s view that it ain’t all bad. I’m healthy, happy and beyond blessed. Whatever 2023 sends me I think I’m ready.

My mantra for the new year is this: Amor fati. Love of fate. I’m doing Ryan Holiday’s new year Stoic challenge. Day one was to pick a mantra for the new year. I’m hoping to love and lean into whatever life sends me. (I just put that out there, didn’t I?)

Back to the Nicholas Kristof for a second. He ends his column by quoting Max Roser of the website Our World Data. Roser quotes the situation of the world like this: “The world is awful. The world is much better. The world can be much better. All three statements are true at the same time.”

This optimist’s view for 2023? Amor fati. Love my fate. Lean into it.