Russell Rhodes Blog

Can’t Look Away

Brent Kavanaugh politics

I took a few days off from work. Had a little basal cell carcinoma removed from my head. My doc gave me a “get out of school note”, so why not take it?

All is well. Just a little divot in my scalp.

I’m gonna wear a lot of hats from here on out, though. Anyway, as luck would have it, this work absence coincided with the Brent Kavanaugh scandal in the Senate. I promised myself I was not going to watch this. I was taking a break from the news. Well, that didn’t happen. I couldn’t look away from it. I mean, who could?! I was having Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill flashbacks. Again, I didn’t know who to believe. Then, I saw that raw, upsetting elevator scene with Jeff Flake and the two women. I wanted to look away. I couldn’t. I didn’t know who to feel sorry for. The women or Flake? Both? By the time it was all over with, they gave themselves, and all the rest of us, a break. A week to let the FBI look into all this. We may never get all the answers we need here, but we may get some. Maybe then, a chance to make a better decision. At least one they can live with. It was an ugly thing to watch on TV. It made me mad. It made me sad. It’s where we are, though. I fear it only gets worse from here.