If you are of an age, you can remember exactly where you were when the terrorists attacked America.
I was standing in the just opened Nordstrom store at International Plaza Mall in Tampa. It was during my feature reporter years, and we were spending the week at the new mall.
The show was almost over. While my taped piece played, my producer got in my ear and said, “Wrap it up fast. A plane just crashed into the World Trade Center.”
Uh? A plane? Small plane? Big plane? I found out quickly.
We went back to the TV station and stood in the newsroom and watched the day play out. I remember all of us crying.
On the way home, I stopped at my church to pray. Prayed for America. Prayed for those that died. Prayed for those who we were about to go after for doing this.
Twenty years later, I still remember it vividly. That’s why I have tried to avoid most of the documentaries that are out right now. It’s just too hard to watch.
The one on Netflix is especially tough. Just too raw and too real. It’s good, though. The way it explains the history of how and why 9/11 happened is especially good. It gives you context.
I’m in the middle of a great new book. “Countdown Bin Laden: The untold story of the 247 day hunt to bring the mastermind of 9/11 to justice.”
Chris Wallace has written a page turner. It’s the second book he has written in this series. The first, “Countdown 1945” was about the making of the atom bomb that ended World War II.
I interview Chris every Friday on Fox 13 about what is coming up on his show Fox News Sunday.
This week, I asked him about the difference between writing current history and that of the past. His answer was that he could actually talk to the players involved in the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. Those like Hillary Clinton, Admiral William McRaven and members of SEAL Team Six.
With his World War II book, Chris had to rely mostly on history books. The major players are no longer around.
Both books are great. Chris is a friend. I’m glad he has had such great success with them.
Saturday will be a difficult day for many people. The 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Much pain and emotion. In many ways, it just doesn’t get any easier. Maybe it shouldn’t.
We can never forget what happened that day.