eiffel tower during night time

I’m traveling over the holidays. Internationally. Paris. France, not Texas. I decided to chronicle this since I haven’t done anything like this since pre-Covid. I also am trying to write this trip off my taxes. Here goes.

The lead up to this has been exhausting. Our plan had been to go to Paris and London. Omicron hit. The travel experts said pick one place and stay there. London seems more “infected” right now. So, we settled on Paris.

I could have easily canceled this. My husband, Enrique, pushed. Hard. So, here we are.

I just read in the Washington Post that Omicron is declining in Africa as quickly as it escalated. That makes me feel better.

I had an antigen test yesterday. Negative. Had to show the result to travel internationally.

I have plenty of the Abbott Binax tests too. Just in case.

The process of getting through the airport was surprisingly easy. So, here we sit. Waiting for the flight to Atlanta. Then, Paris.

You know what they say… if you live in the south, you can’t get to heaven unless you go through Atlanta.

I’ll check in along the way. So far, so good.

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