It’s not Covid. It’s my allergies. Really.
It's just my allergies, not Covid. Plus, Dolly gets a dose of her own medicine.
Up Next… Me.
It’s coming. And so are the vaccines. Almost four million of the J&J vaccines are on the way into arms right now. With the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in place,…
Identifying As…
When I was coming up, “coming out” was the phrase people used when they acknowledged to the world that they were gay or lesbian. It was a big deal. In…
A Year Into This
U.S. workers who will be hit the hardest are those without college degrees, minorities, women and young people.
On My Radar… A Year Later
The news over the weekend was that we have now lost a half million people to the Coronavirus. 500,000 people.
Hey, Y’all! I’m in Cancun. Wish you were here.
“NASA landed on Mars before Ted Cruz got back to Texas.”
Vaccination? What’s Your Zip Code?
Vaccination disparity. The New York Times has a story about where you live may have something to do with how easy you can get your Covid vaccine.
On My Radar: Back to Reality
This week: A little fun with a trophy, and a little serious news about politics. One thing's certain: Donald Trump still holds great power in the Republican Party.
The Weekend
It’s been a glorious couple of weeks around Tampa. Hosting the Super Bowl. Winning the Super Bowl. Celebrating the Super Bowl win. Glorious.
A Boat, a GOAT, a Gronk and a Trophy.
Tampa will host a boat parade today for the Super Bowl champions, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Far sooner than anyone expected.