Good bones. (And I ain’t talking house either.)
Needed a few days to refresh and recharge. Needed a few days away from the news. Honestly, it’s been getting to me lately. Usually, I can leave it at the…
News, Politics, Opinion
Needed a few days to refresh and recharge. Needed a few days away from the news. Honestly, it’s been getting to me lately. Usually, I can leave it at the…
The alert came on my phone from Fox Business. “Job openings hold near record high as more Americans quit their jobs in April.” The Labor Department says that 4.4 million…
It would be easy, I think, to put what’s going on in Ukraine on the back burner. I mean, look at what we are dealing with here at home. A…
I realize I’m a day late on this, but I wanted to share something that happened yesterday. It was my honor to emcee the Memorial Day Ceremony at Bay Pines…
It’s Memorial Day weekend. It’s meant for us to remember all those we lost during military service. While we still do that, it has also become the unofficial start of…
We are starting to get a better idea of what happened in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday. A lot of questions remain. The biggest: Why did it take at least 40…
As I write this, my heart aches. Once again, we see another mass shooting in this country. This time, at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. 19 children shot and…
Have you seen anything about this 300-page report on sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention? As I said at the top, it’s stunning and sad. From the Associated Press:…
Here’s the news I’m reading on TV this morning. Not a lot of good news either. I guess we need to start seriously worrying about China. From USA Today: President…
It’s Friday. I really wanted to write about something fun today. I can’t. I’m just stunned at the cost of things. The shortages of things. How’d we get here? Let’s…